
The Sad Story of Chicken Wimp

Attentive users of Powersoccer may have noticed that Imperium is probably the least active clan there is in Powersoccer. Their website is updated twice a year (without nothing of real importance) but more importantly, some of their members are absent for quite a long time.

Kutex left from April/May onwards, Mainmukit was nowhere to be seen during summer. Iwwo has been absent for quite a while now. And jacopastorius… does that name still ring a bell? Even bearsfan, melo90 and joshy1306 have been absent for longer times. Where do these people go, you might wonder? And why for so long?

We at Marx Brothers have the story!

It all started a long while ago. The board of Madini/Imperium was looking for an update of their clan page. They grew bored of their blog which led nowhere and was, like the old BDKAS blog, more updated with new layout than with new text. The most written sentences on the blog were “we won a cup.” “blog layout updated. What do you think” (without poll obviously). They needed something Sparkling, something Genius, something Outstanding. After long deliberations and litres of chocomilk, they came up with a brilliant idea: why not have a team mascot! All the real teams have a mascot, be it a Tiger or an Owl or a Bear to name but a phew. What could be their mascot, they wondered…

In the end they decided it would be a Chicken. Not only did that creature reflect their character best (as proven in the forum: announce war and than saying you do not participate), but it also was unique, never seen off. They gave him the name “Chicken Wimp” (they were under the wrong impression that “Wimp” was a first name in German/Dutch, but they made a mistake: the name is actually “Wim”).

Of course, taking a mascot is easier said than done. How do you get a chicken? And, more importantly: how do you get a picture taken with your own chicken (for on your team page, your personal page and even your profile picture)…

Enter kutex

Kutex said to the guys: “Listen maties. I am going to get a chicken. I am going to take a picture with me and the chicken and then we can photoshop it. Like that we all have the picture with Chicken Wimp without much fuss.” Alas, some things are more difficult in life than expected, as you can see from this video.

It took a while (and a lot of kilos/pounds) before kutex was able to contact his clan brothers. Big problem: Chicken Wimp was unable to catch. I need help. Mainmukit, always the bravest, immediately stepped forward. He boarded the first plane to Kutexistan and tried to get the chicken. Results were … unsuccessful (and hilarious)

Mainmukit had such shivers he was unable to even enter the site of Powersoccer. He would play all shaky and would lose a lot of RP (which strangely enough happened). Jaco (jake + chicken=funny on “youtube”) attempted, with slightly more success but still nothing near “getting the chicken on the picture.

Months passed, nobody got the chicken. Blip_tobbe tried very unsuccessfully. And then Iwwo did a try. It was still running around on the wide fields (and sometimes on a football pitch). He got the chicken!!! He actually got the chicken!!! The problem however was that he had the chicken, he was in a terrible state but the state the chicken was in is… indescribable…

This is how the chicken looks now today. It is so depressed that it will probably take Joshy, bearsfan and melo (each in term) a lot of time talking with it, petting it and knitting small feathers to make it feel less naked. Will it ever get past its depression or nudity? Will it ever push Imperium forward? Will it ever be a true mascot again? Will it ever do celebration dances when an Imperium Chicken (they address each other with the word of chicken in their native tongue: Tamb83 is Pollopicollo and melo90 is PolloGrande) wins a game? We doubt it. They better took the time and energy to update the site they are so proud of (as they are the only clan owning a real site).


joshyg1306 said...

You wish you can escape me. Besides, iwwo is having business and internet related matters, blip_tobbe is not enjoying the game, etc etc.
Besides, you claimed to be loyal to us and declared war, so i would hardly call that better than what "wrongdoing" you believe us to have done

melo said...

Lol..I've been absent 1 week and you wonder where I have been..you left for 2 weeks (and more..). May I ask you where have you been in that period ? Inactive.......