
Set your clock straight: 72 hours to the disintegration of Imperium2

What have we read in Powersoccerextra? There was an interview with the former number one in Powersoccerland, a certain Melo90. I thought the reason to interview him was extremely ironic: he wasn’t interviewed when he was number one, he was interviewed when he lost that position. Although Titans claims to be the partner in crime of Imperium, that surely was bad use of the fifth column.

There was one paragraph in that interview that had special interest for our war.

“[Master Assistant] melo90: they decided to stay with surreal in our war (Surreal tried to get Kutex to join them) and so they became our enemies too! But actually they seemed too scared to face us in the pitch and so they continuously hide behind blog posts…”

How is that for throwing out 2000 years of war history? In warfare, the “country” that sends out a war declaration does not defend but does attack. They invade the other country's territory and try to beat them at the home field. Sometimes successfully (like Germany beat France in 1870, the battle was at Sedan), sometimes unsuccessfully (like Germany in World War I, the battles were lost in Belgium and in France). The point is: those who declare war, invade and have to adjust to the terrains and the conditions of their opponents. Our “terrain” and our “conditions” are not the pitch. We never fought clan wars on the pitch and we will not do so in the near future either. We fight battles in our home stadium, our blog. Whether you like that or not, it is a fact. Next time think more clearly before “invading” another country.

On the war front itself, we can only say that the plot thickens. Their Clan Leader in absence of Iwwo is Mainmukit. What does he have on his badge? A peace message… Is that not acknowledging defeat and indirectly aiming at the end of warfare? We would gladly accept that defeat – and even are willing to grant them not the title “defeated” but something less direct, like a truce or a conditional surrender – if they would publicly say so. It seems that Imperium has overstretched itself in launching a war on Surreal, not knowing that Marx Brothers was in close partnership with them. Too late to come back to that decision, they will have to face the facts, just like the German Empire did in 1918 (for those with lack of historical knowledge: the Empire was scrapped, Germany lost massive territory and restarted a war twenty years later which they lost again).

Ironically, again, the whole reason why this war started (did Kutex agree to join Surreal or not) and the person who actually gave the start sign, Kutex himself, has left the clan. We can obviously only guess the reasons why he left Imperium and probably we will never know for sure, but our bet would be that he disagreed with the no-war policy recently adopted at the Imperium Convention. Let’s put the facts straight: Mainmukit, the leader, changes his badge to “peace not war”, therewith implying that Imperium gives in. A couple of days later – and rumour has it after a long, laborious and hard discussion – Kutex leaves the clan. I do not want to force the apparent causality upon the readers of this blog… just pinpointing events and putting them in a context.

It is all too clear for the Marx Brothers. Melo90 indicated in his interview he did not expect the Marx Brothers to fight the war in their blog, which makes their war policy highly problematic. Their aim to seek and destroy Surreal backfired when it turned out Marx Brothers was next to and behind Surreal. Mainmukit indirectly accepts defeat and Kutex leaves. Now we just have to wait until Imperium disintegrates and we can wrap it up, put a ribbon around the package and give Surreal what belongs to Surreal: the victory.


Leedo said...

Imperium has given up! They have lost the war. Whenever I talk with any Imperium member I see in their eyes "please stop the war" the same you can see on mainmukit badge, its a clear sign of giving up :P

joshyg1306 said...

I see kutex is in our clan :S

Airfix_9 said...

Not updated your blog again, joshy?

joshyg1306 said...

What blog?
Besides, I just removed an inactive card from site, and you need to update your eyes =))

joshyg1306 said...

Sorry about the spam, an image didnt come through