
Vacancies/Open Positions at the Marx Brothers

Bigdaddyat is looking for a full-time chef/cook who can feed him at any time of the day. No qualification or resume necessary: as long as it is hot and it fills his stomach, he is more than happy. Brunettes have a slight advantage. You will be paid in Powertokens.

Airfix_9 is looking for a male stand-in for if she ever were to meet fellow Marx Brothers and powersoccer users. As the cover has to be perfect, it is a full time position. The candidate will have to be intelligent, slightly good looking, have a moustache or willing to grow one. His first task will be to memorize all the conversations Airfix_9 had over the past year: trust us, that is a lot (she gabbles like a real woman, at least 20 sentences in 2 minutes: unbelievable). Thereafter, he will have to learn all the “expressions” Airfix_9 uses but nobody really understands. You will be paid in car parts (giving by her boyfriend) and will be given bed and board, on the condition that you can surivive a diet of twiglets.

Lenar is looking for a full time housekeeper who has the same deviant relation towards socks. She will have to clean them and make them slightly dirty again before Mr. Lenar is willing to wear them. The lady will be paid in Feet Cheese.

Frogodo is looking for an intelligent, good looking computer nerd who is willing to take over his classes while he plays this game. As a freshman, it is not easy to separate important tasks (powersoccer) from unimportant ones (good education). Therefore mummy and daddy decided to rent a boy who can get frogodo through college. Candidates will be paid in the newest editions of fantasy games.

Shaolinda is looking for a free car mechanic who can finally fix that damn Lada Riva she inherited from her Sugar Uncle. She went to a service station but they said there that if she would put three bananas on the back seat the car would triple in prize. Being so gravely offended, she made such a row that she is now not allowed in any of the Swedish service stations and even is refused entrance in service station across the border with Denmark. Therefore, she just wants somebody who can get the machine back running. As it is probably a hopeless case, the car mechanic will be given free bed and board, and a bedtime story if wanted.

Soroe is looking for somebody who can come up with more creative nicknames for his players. They all have been called famous mathematicians, physicists and the like. He has been thinking about new and better names for three months now, but he seems out of inspiration. A little bit of help would be welcomed. As this job would not take longer than 2,5 minutes, you will be granted 1 powertoken for that effort.

Soccerduke27 is looking for a replacement on the football pitch. Although he clearly has some talent, he wants a better player (preferable Latin America) take his place but continue in his name. He will, in future, be the star and will get loads of money and chicks while the football player replacing him will have to sleep in a shed that used to belong to BDKAS. The candidate will be paid in bananas.

Leedomargus is looking for a masseuse who can treat him while he is performing one of his Powersoccer marathons as well. She will also have to change his diapers, feed him mashed potatoes with carrots, and take him for a walk from time to time. Having the opportunity to be in the presence of this Powersoccer God should be a reward in itself.

Duke4 is looking for somebody who can help him get slightly better at this game. As he (and we) are aware that 99 % of all Powersoccer players fit that profile, we set another requirement: he or she will have to be able to dance the Macarena blindfolded on a tight rope whilst making duke4 a typical Mexican pancake. Candidates can send a video to “Duke 4’s magical Circus, Lollypop Lane 4 in Circusia, TX. Candidates will be paid in glue.

Sipwell is looking for an astonishing, preferably blonde, under-35 years old C-cupped Beauty Queen (at least 3 titles) who can act as his secretary and collect, compile and publish the millions of incredibly funny ideas he had over the last five weeks. Candidates will be paid by the Crew of Powerchallenge.

O? You guys really thought that we were inviting members to our clan? Well, guess again. This clan is invitation only and the seats are limited. Keep on “not” trying. We’ll phone you if we want you!


Leedo said...


duke27 said...

I need that replacement player FAST!

Anonymous said...

I think this article was for me :'(

LW said...

Sipwell - have you forgotten already? The Lada is working fine, it's the Volvo (incidentally named Fidel-Doris) that's giving me a hard time... Still - definetely looking for some mechanics support there! Bedtime story included for sure.

BigDaddyAt said...

Actually I am not all that picky (to specify brunettes), but Swedish blondes may be a plus...

Let's face it, if she can cook naked without splattering it all over herself, that would be a good.....wait, is that a good thing or a bad thing?