
Why are the Imperium brothers so silent: the answer here

It seems that Chicken Kiev – to regular users known as Joshyg1306 – has become the Official Spokesman of Imperium. He replied to nearly every blog post or forum post with a long, laborious and in most cases interesting answers, although he still needs to reflect on the concept of “satire” and “irony” as he sometimes seems to miss the point there.

But a proper Spokesman he is. We learned yesterday that Kutex joined again and as a war trophy brought a screenshot that proved that he beat Powdersnow in the meantime. Technically, as he was not part of the clan anymore at that time, it does not count. Powdersnow thought he was playing Kutex, not Imperium Brother Chicken Wing. We also learned that they act as a Group and do not have a hierarchical system. That must have been a novelty because in the Madini-days there clearly were Clan Leaders and the like. And if Iwwo has to keys to the site, what does it make him then?

Why, however, is only joshyg1306 responding? The explanation, my friends, is fairly funny. With a lot of help from our Clan Sister Shaolinda and a little help from Powdersnow, we were able to create a perfect setting to do some testing. We created the perfect Imperium brother using the goals and achievements on their blog (and some testing devices over at Crew's Offices): devoted to fair play and clan unity, dominant in the game of powersoccer and a very strange requirement “coming soon” (we have been wondering if they are expecting the End of the World or their personal Messiah, but probably they are just waiting for the man who can fix the lock so they can get back on their “own domain” where they “further prove our devotion to Powerchallenge.” by not changing their website since late June). Having sampled that, we “installed” that into the brain of a goat:the gameplay of the goat was really superb and we all slightly admired it (apart from some very bad manners and unmentionable things that is). We therefore created the perfect Imperium Brother (in the form of a Goat).

Next, we asked one of our millions of supporters to wear T-shirts and banners of the Marx Brothers and wave an umbrella with our symbols.

Look what happened:

Imperium Brothers just faint. All other clan members (Phalanx, Surreal, TUGAS, BDKAS, TVST, ...) and the plain users run around happily but the Imperium brothers faint... Scared? Overstressed? Who can tell. As for Chicken Kiev, he is strong enough nowadays as he has been under the command of Sipwell for nearly five months and is nowadays under the command of Airfix_9 and Leedomargus. He is hardened and he knows how to survive (for which we congratulate him). But his clan brothers, they just faint :P


Mainmukit said...

Does immature, irrelevent & misleading information on inane blogposts require answers?

We choose to stay silent, because unlike MB, we simply do not discriminate our enemies with words.. rather we let the skills on the green side of the grass do the talking.

Airfix_9 said...

It is OK guys, I can translate this:

Blah blah blah blah blah we blah blah blah simply blah blah blah enemies blah blah blah with words blah blah blah...

LW said...

airfix - thanks. I was so confused. Didn't really get the message, but now I do! (I guess mainmukit simply speaks a language I don't fully comprehend)

Mainmukit said...

See what I mean by immature?

Quote Af9 "Blah blah blah blah blah we blah blah blah simply blah blah blah enemies blah blah blah with words blah blah blah..."

soroe said...

I see Imperium has got their own tactic: "We all run together and when the opponent gets the ball, we play dead and they feel sorry for us. Then we awake and scores."

Now they only have to work on the last part. ;P