
A Smashing Success!

The initial meeting between Christine and Sipwell went well, "beyond anyone's expectations", said Christine. The goatixer also replied in his typical spammy way, "baaa ba baaaaa baaa ba baa!" Clearly, he too enjoyed the meeting, and who could blame him?

It seems Christine not only took an immediate liking to the uniqueness of the goatixer crossbreed, but it also seems she is a bit "easy", if you get my meaning. The two frolicked and rolled in the meadow together, and it is rumoured that they even shared a room.... My how quickly things have progressed!!!

We were unable (and frankly not all too interested) to get pictures of the activities after they retired to their room, but we have a few shots of the obvious connection which they shared in their daily trysts in the meadow.

Truly a match made in heaven! (or was it Hamburg....)


Obligatory Non-Offensive Pic of the Day

On closer inspection, I think the separation of the Whites and the Coloreds is clearly racist....damn me...

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