
Dr. Sheep I Presume?

So it is finally official, after year upon year of grazing on the knowledge available on the subject of the church and the EU, the long journey has come to an end. Why one would choose that particular subject is beyond me, and pretty much anyone else, which I guess would be the precise reason one would choose such a topic. It is much easier to convince everyone else you are correct, when the subject matter is something no one else knows anything at all about, nor really cares about for that matter. In fact, those attending the dissertation had not read past the title, but rather were in attendance merely for the party afterwards. Indeed though, no matter how boring (or useless to most) the material, the accomplishment is worthy of a public spectacle (something which I'm sure will be made tonight in celebration). Alas, for those of you who have no clue what I am referring to, it is our dearest longtime sheepy friend, and illustrious co-founder, now known as DR. SIPWELL!

Indeed it has been a long, and undoubtedly boring, road to reach where he is today.  It is to his great credit that he has stayed the course, trudging daily down that utterly (or is it "udderly", I'm never quite certain) desolate and lonely road.  Mrs. Sheep was forced to undertake a career in art, just to find some creativity in her life, as a break from the endless monotonous discussions about religion and European policy.  Not to mention all the chatter about whether his dress would fit or if he should pluck his eyebrows (a question which should always be answered "no" if you are a male) for his final crowning moment.  So, we offer our heartfelt congratulations.  Go and raise a glass with your closest friends (and a few distant ones as well).  You have earned it mate.  Well done!

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