
Happy Birthday Wishes

Some top clans offered to write some words on the first birthday of the Marx Brothers... Not only do they eternally respect us (as you can see from their messages), they also seem to be slightly jealous of our attitude towards the game. We can understand that feeling. It was incredible how many people told me and other clan brothers yesterday that it has to be so great to play clan cups just for fun, rather than to be stressed not to lose clan RP (or win it back neurotically). Some people even stopped playing clan cups because they were afraid they would lose RP... it is a sad world we live in.
Yet again, some clans chose to value ranking points highly and do their utmost to have as many as possible. We can critize that yet we have to respect it also. Not everybody has seen the light yet...

The first message we post today is from one of our former arch enemies and the first clan we succesfully annihilated. Granted, dagriggstar was absent from the game of Powersoccer and could possibly have made the outcome less dramatic for BDKAS (ending BDKAS and half of the clan understanding they were Marx Brothers from the start). BDKAS still exists - or exists again, the eternal discussion - and still wrongly claims to be the oldest clan in Powersoccer. If you announce your own "death", see all of your clan members (apart from 2) leave and then restart some months later, it is hard to still claim the title of oldest clan in PS. Granted, the initial idea was theirs - we will not discuss that - yet how they dealt with it was not how Airfix_9 and me saw it... And look who has success now: is it BDKAS? I don't think so. Is it Marx Brothers? Absolutely: yesterday an astonishing 70 individual people came to watch our blog and more people left personal messages in a private chat, the forum and on the PSE-site. Crew members, in the form of Powdersnow, wrote a breathtaking message on their professional blog. Congratulating emails have been uncountable. And the birthday cake the Marx Brothers shared had been very tasty. You can critize Airfix_9 on a lot of points, but I must admit her skills to make cakes are without doubt: this was probably the best cake I ever ate!

Back to where we started of: birthday wishes! First in the row (they should consider that an honour) is BDKAS, the first clan in powersoccer and a clan made up of nice and interesting people...

We, BDKAS, pay our tribute to Marx Brothers.


Indeed MB has a good influence and bad influence on other people in the Power Soccer.

They play for fun and it is good influence because this game is made for fun.. not just for competition and at the same try to destuct the clan... why? is it because they don't want other clan to take their spot and want other clan to go to the top....

well MB, BDKAS hates you but at the same they have respect for your clan!


I do not like Marx Brothers...at all...but I do respect them. Infact they are probably the only clan I don't like but still respect. My memories of Marx Brothers are not that great, but I feel that you simply have to sit back and admire a clan that has been so stable and a clan that has been so pivotal in the world of powersoccer.

For something that started out as a parody clan it sure has developed. It started just after soccerduke (who then was BDKAS) created the first powersoccer blog. Our first great rivals madini soon after made a blog too. It was this that sparked sipwell into the creation of Marx Brothers. Then sipwell was (in my eyes) the main man of the forums, he simply enjoys posting. I suppose that played a role in its creation. It was this cocktail (in my eyes) that gave way to a clan with more emphasis on its blog than anywhere else...

I never thought much of the Marx Brothers until madini collapsed. I feel that MB "stepped up" so to speak to be our new rival. This however, was a clan war fought on their terms - ethics, blog, posts etc. This clan war, in my eyes, was one of two major contributing factors to BDKAS demise. The mass defect to marx still pains me...

Marx then became popular. They are in my opinion the most distinctive and recognisable clan in PS and have changed the powersoccer landscape forever.

All that said...I feel Marx represents both good and bad sides to powersoccer. They play for the right reasons (fun) yet insist on attacking other clans continually. They are all great sportspeople yet seem proud to be a contributing factor in the demise of others. Actually they remind me an awful lot of a manipulative school-yard bully...

Marx Brothers are not a clan per say...they are an institution. A long and glorius life to you all at Marx Brothers.

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