
How Things Can Get Mixed Up

Here's a little list of Danish words which are also words in English and what they mean.

mad = food
god = No, it's not God, it's god and means good
so = female pig
is = ice, or ice cream
rum = a room
bad = bath
rat = steering wheel
rim = a rhyme, or a minor layer of ice
bold = a ball
and = a duck
slut = the end/finish
slutspurt = final sprint/race (shops often use this sign when having sales)
slag = punch
die = to breastfeed
fag = topic/class, ex. math, history etc.
Spunk = wine gum brand (also availble as liquorice version) see them here and there
Middelfart = city on the island Fyn
Island = Iceland
killing = kitten
gift = poison, or to be married
sky = cloud, or a sort of brown jello as final topping on bread
'fart kontrol' = a sign you often see when driving meaning speed control
'Dong Energy' = Danish oil & natural gas company
rude = window
due = pigeon
kind = a chin
chef = chief/boss
fire = the number 4
to = the number 2
Brabrand & True = cities in Jylland, see here

Little story, probably true:

When Queen Elisabeth visited Denmark around a generation ago, it was very common (can still be seen) to have a button with a lamp telling the elevator was moving, when you pressed to call it. Those lamps often said "I FART" - technically "in speed/at speed", of course they had to exchange those lamps wtih neutral ones, imagine the Queen of England pressing a button saying "I FART".

If it was an industry or company building it would not have been much better to go to the rear of the building, showing Her Majesty that "gods elevator" was here. Gods means cargo/goods/heavy freight.

So remember:

...when you're driving in the land of Denmark not to fart too much, please keep it controlled!
...if you chose to give someone a compliment, don't tell them they are a chin.
...if you have a fag, it doesn't mean you are too.
...when a girl/woman tells you something you don't agree with, then don't reply with a "so?", you'll probably end up with one of these
...when you want to order something to drink, you might end up with a room for the night.
...your cat/dog won't turn crazy when given them a can of mad.
...not to look worried when you see a Dane eating Spunk
...every movie doesn't insult you at the end.
...if you contain a lot of gasses, don't run to the nearest elevator and press the button rapidly to state it.
...Danes won't help you when you're screaming "4!", "4444!" out the window from your burning flat.


sipwell said...

Great post mate. I wonder how Danes feel about all this ;-)

Gaston said...

After reading this great post, take my advice: DO NEVER GO TO DENMARK.
Fantastic post buddy, you started with greatness

Airfix_9 said...

@gaston - you needed a reason before?

Swedeswede said...

haha, actually, when I was in Sweden in the summer, we were driving by and i saw a sign saying rum och frokost. Means bed and breakast, but I, the American Swede that I am, took it as Beer and Breakfast, and told my dad I knew the best place for him! Rum definitely does also=room!

mr.famouz2 said...

lol, danes felt funny when I read the bad words in english. Nice thread