
Sip's true nightmare

We all know Sip being a spammer of the highest degree and writing long blogs, very long blogs. One might think that is because he likes to write long stories. Well, partly true. Belgians are quite a “softy” bunch of people. They hardly say things at your face, they rather sweet talk you while thinking about a nice “Babbelaar” (funny enough this means “talkish”…) or “Brugse Zot” (“zot” means a fool…no more explanation needed). So Sip needs a lot of words to talk around the matter rather then just come out and say it.

But this explanation alone would be too easy. There is more to it. When I heard it I laughed very hard by the way. You know we type “lol” a lot but when I heard this story I really did...laugh out loud. Still, afterwards sadness and moreover a feeling of compassion took over. Being a Dutch guy that likes to talk talk talk, of course I like to share this with you…

As you may know, Sip has a cat. Well to be precise, Mrs. Sip has a cat. And when Sip moved in with her, the cat was part of the deal. Now cats and sheep don’t have that much in common so rather then becoming good friends, it was more that both of them came to an understanding, a kind of “cease fire”. The cat would leave Sip writing his posts and blogs and Sip would stop throwing the cat in the washing machine.

The posts were good and the blogs were short and to the point. Until recently that is. It was the day before Chtistmas Eve and the cat was minding her own business, just lying around in the dinner room. Sip had just finished his PS-spamming hour and came into the room as well but unfortunately not seeing the cat. So he accidentally (i know, you are thinking: "yeah sure") stepped on the cat’s tail, the cat of course jumped in the air and in a flash scratched Sip in this face. Sip on turn, went mad and fuming with rage he threw the cat in the washing machine again. As you might expect, the war was back on here. And the cat knew how to hit Sip in the deepest of his hart. Look at this picture and see for yourself

When Sip came into his “PS-spamming room” the next day and saw this, he immediately bursted into tears. The first thing that came to his mind: “Oh my god, this is a nightmare! Without my mouse I am helpless! Oh my god, oh my god”.

So guys, since Sip lost his mouse, on that cold Christmas Day, once he is writing, he just can’t stop. He can’t figure out how to get to the “sent” button without it so he just types on and on…and on…sad really. :p


Gaston said...

Poor Sip! Well, i won't complain about his longs post (today).
Nice post GM!
Btw, since when sheeps hate cats?

Airfix_9 said...

Gaston - I am amazed that you do not know this. You have forgotten about the great Sheep/Cat wars of the 13th century? Millions perished.

sipwell said...

Well... it is not all bad is it? At least I am Belgian and is the cat Belgian :P
And I only need one mouse. She can have that one :P