
Holy cow - the Goddess is alive

So you guys... I'm sorry for being such a crappy blogger. Such a non active Marx Brother. Do you believe me when I say things have been sort of crazy in Power Racing land lately? Well, in the entire PC universe actually.

Excuses are dull and boring and I shall linger no longer.

There's nothing going on in Power Soccer that you don't already know, so what updates could I possibly provide you with that won't feel like yesterday's news?

Story of Shaolinda's life 17/3-09:

1. I'm wearing green today. Bright green and gold with matching eye shadow. Feeling slightly more exotic than usual.
2. I enjoyed my first Spanish football game last week.
3. I've got a current hang-up on nuts. Eating them. Like peanuts and brazil nuts.
4. My phone keeps turning itself of, like a few times a week while I'm on the phone. Rude and impractical.
5. It's raining in Linköping but it still feels like spring is in the air.
6. The Phones disco edition of Bloc Party's Banquet is definetely one of the top ten songs ever to listen to while in a club. Or just in a dancing mood anywhere.
7. I scare easily and will probably never finish Silent Hill 2 on my own. Or with anyone.

Well - isn't that what you all secretely longed for? More psycho babble from the long lost Shaolinda. Well fear not. She's back. And she makes no more sense than before.

Peace, love & jellybabies
/ herself


sipwell said...

hahaha... nice entry. A diary, might be a good idea for a project!

On your third point I concur: I am eating nuts like mad too lately... All sorts of them (although walnut are my favourite ones) in massive quantities. People already address me as "the nutter". :p

A phone with a will of its own, now that is interesting!

Never like Bloc Party, but "les goûts et les couleurs, on le les discute pas!"
What the hell is Silent Hill 2? a chick flick advanced level?

LW said...

Silent Hill 2 is a weird scary-as-hell game for the ps2(and pc if I'm not mistaking)with nurses without faces and Pyramid Heads, the second game in a series of four; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silent_Hill. There was a Silent Hill movie made a few years ago, sort of based on the game.

Gentle_Man_ said...

ouch not the nurses i would like to come across :S

but a daily diaryblog is a great idea! So please feel free, we are looking forward to see the next update for sure!

and where can you buy such a phone? i want it and i want it now :P

Gaston said...

My phone doesn't ring or turn off...it's battery is empty.

Support the diary idea, since I have to go to english class, I won't type anymore.


Airfix_9 said...

Sip - people do call you "the nutter" but not because you eat nuts.

Welcome home Linda - nice to have you back with us.