
Anti-Marx Movement is Catching on....

...it is? You would never know by the complete lack of interest from anyone, including the instigators. Seriously, their "contributors" include ac--dc, mainmukit, & arthur99mun? Let's look at the scoreboard, shall we? Mainmukit, exactly one post, to merely pose the question "MB: Should it exist?", a few from ac--dc,and nothing from anyone else...figures, another one-man-show takes on MB. We can't let our roles become as stagnant as the "anti-blog" blog (zero posts in over 2 weeks), so here we go.

First to answer Main's question...should MB exist? I reply thus...did we exist in a traditional sense, or is it something much more ethereal to begin with? Perhaps if you have ever actually run into a fabled goatixer, then we really exist.

Have you ever had the pleasure of running into the beautiful Christine, and her perfect stache, and spent hours swapping grooming tips with her. If you have, then perhaps, we really exist.

If you have ever had the "pleasure" of a lengthy chat with our cute little bugger NYC, or the unbelievable displeasure of spending any time with Lenar's socks...then perhaps you are sure we exist.

Some of us, for sure, are purely figments of our own imagination. Heddwch and Duke4 surely never existed at all, as they are very faint memories, much like a long forgotten dream, no matter how pleasant it may have been. Yes, if you have really seen these "men", then perhaps we really exist.

The majestic place known as Mt. Marx...mythical and majestic, much like the more well-known Mt. Olympus, is home to more PS Football Gods (yes, 13 of them) than any other one place in cyberspace. If you even believe that a place this magical is even possible in the realm of your wildest dreams...then perhaps we really exist.

Now, I know all these existential questions can be a bit troubling, and lead to confusion and self-loathing within the depths of one's mind. I truly am sorry if you now have a pounding headache, and a throbbing pain in your chest. In that regard, I can only offer you one tidbit to help you get the anger out, and move on with your life.


Also remember this...whether you like Americans, or you don't...always be thankful for Canada, for without them, we would be forever cold.

Long live the Marx Brothers!!! We may only win in the the blogs...but we will never go away!!!

1 comment:

sipwell said...

Hehhehe... great post. I hope this will be the first of a whole new series of exceptional, excellent Bigdaddyat posts!

Note that --acdc-- has asked me to join I think about 5 clans now...