
What a piece of work is a blog?

What a piece of work is a blog, how noble in reason, how infinite in possibilities, how admirable its expressions of thoughts and taste. It calls to action like the angels harking on high, and it anticipates the future with a God-like anticipation! The blog is indeed the beauty of the world, the paragon of man and society—and yet, to many, is it merely words? They say: ‘Blogs delights not me’.

What must we say to these naysayers? Do we relinquish control of the internet-waves to mere private messages and emoticons? Do we ignore mankind’s primal urge to hear and be heard? Are we meant to act like children of old, to be seen and not heard? And preferably not seen?

That is not what it is to be a Marx Brother. Marx Brothers should take a stand, and to all those who stray across our paths, we must draw ourselves up to our full heights, and speak in a voice laced with honour and dignity:

You shall probably win. But I will write something witty about that.

So here is a call to arms my friends. Ask not what Marx Brothers can do for you. Ask yourself what you can do for the Marx Brothers. And in the end, when the last word is written, the last i has been dotted and the last t has been crossed, never in the field of internet blogging will so much be owed by so many to so few...

1 comment:

Swedeswede said...

Wohooo fcr's first blog post! And he even threw in some American Patriotism, (sort of), well written and subtly directed at our sleeping anti friends!