
We’re two-thirds of the way to a joke.

From over the sea, far away comes the plaintive call. It speaks of wit and intelligence. It speaks of destiny and calls to the very heart of those to whom it is aimed.

Out of the mists of the peat bog rises a small, hairy figure who gets up and strides purposefully towards the light, his keyboard tucked under his arm and his eyes a-twinkling with witty repartee yet to be committed to cyberspace. He pauses awhile, sniffs the air and makes a quick note of something which he will craft into a future offering before continuing on his way.

Fashioning a sturdy sailing dinghy by carving out a large potato and erecting a mast, he steps in and pushes off toward the sound that he has heard. It calls to him, it pulls him in and fills his soul with dreams of huge audiences who clamour for words, his words…

We have made our call and it has been heeded. We are now the proud possessors of our very own lucky Irish leprechaun, fcrathnaconeen! Welcome to the madhouse, rath, the enemy is over that hill, go knock ‘em down.

And the joke of which we are two-thirds from completion? Well, there was this Englishman, this Irishman and this Scotsman… quick, we need a Scotsman!!!


sipwell said...

hehehehe... I wonder what that joke will be about. Well, you still have time to reflect on it though. We have to adjust to the fact that we now have an Irishman in the clan... We will have to learn to keep our manners... wait a minute... we will have to learn not to keep our manners! Aye, welcome in

FCRathnaconeen said...

Haha, thanks very much for the ... hatever that was. An introduction? Not really? A chance to label me with some Irish myths? Perhaps...

Gaston said...

Welcome in ehh...mm...how shal we call you? You could choose an easier name! That's impossible! Ok, I'll call you...Irishguy.

Welcome in Irishguy!

Gentle_Man_ said...

Are you sure it doesn't include a Belgian? Over here in every good joke some Belgian appears to be in it, mostly not to his favour i must add....

FCR...welcome in mate, glad to have you on board. Cheers!

Nev72 said...

Mayby woodycreek is the answer to the Scottish ploblem, Sadley the welsh bit is complete so i'll be hanging arround and commenting on ur blog, Ahwell, not evrything allways goes to plan, oh yea, it's 3/4 (U fogot about the welsh man bit :P)