
Goodbye Marx Brothers, Thankyou

I have been in MB for 1 week, in that week I have felt very welcome and touched by all members (Not in that way). Every single member of this amazing clan is approachable and friendly.
Joining The Marx Brothers was a great honour for me as I did not see myself as MB material. (To be honest I am not funny).

The reason I have chosen to leave MB has nothing to do with the clan itself, it is more to do with my previous clan. Lately they have gone through troubles and I hold myself partly to blame. I think me going back to them and help them rebuild into the clan that everyone respects and looks to its users as a good example of what PS is all about. (Similar to MB but win more).

I would like to say thank you to all members, especially Sip who invited me, Gentle who suggested me, that Irish guy who is a very close friend, AF9 who gives out twiglets to all, NYC with a very warm welcome and Gaston who is really great guy who helps anybody.

Goodluck MB, May you take down anyone who stands in your way.


Gaston said...

Well, is not nice to see you go mate, I tried to convince you but I failed :S.

Good luck in TVST! Anything you edd, remember where we are ;) (Put the website in Favourites)

Gentle_Man_ said...
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Gentle_Man_ said...

Stupid Englishmen...of course one of them should have gone but the wrong one did. They can't even do that thing right (they can't tell left from right in driving neither).. pfffff

Well Blade it was "short and sweet" :P.
Have fun and try to be funny from time to time ;)

Swedeswede said...

Sorry to see you go, but I guess TVST needs you, and we can't hold you from that. Good luck!