
Let there be fun everywhere!

People who know me say I am a decent and nice guy. A bit weird sometimes, I won’t deny that at all but certainly friendly and helpful. So I offered my help to Surreal. I actually posted a message in their GB saying:

Written by gentle_man_: 14/05/2009 16:18
Hey guys, I don't feel that comfortable with a war between clans. Is that really necessary?

You might be anti-MB, me personally I am not anti-Surreal. I think you are a great clan with a lot of possibilities. And as I understand, you are looking for good/representative players. Would love to help you out here.

(The message is already removed by the way, god knows why).

After this post newbie Co-Captain Rodry came to me and asked if I wanted to join them…hmmm did I wrote that? No I didn't but I'll get to that a bit later. What struck me was: 1) Pow himself didn’t even bother to contact me. For sure I would expect him and not the newbie to contact me. Call me weird – like I said no problem with that - but ey would be nice if I was to be taken seriously please. 2) They exactly did the same thing as they did a few months ago when I left MB for a short period of time due to an argument with AF9.

As you might recall, AF9 was going through a difficult time in her personal life and I was somehow caught up in that struggle. I felt really down and consequently there was no other decision than to leave the clan. Come to think of it…AF9 never apologized for her behaviour. Grmpf…apparently she felt she didn’t need to but damnit, she should!

Hmmm I am getting off track here. Sorry about that. What I was trying to say: I left MB at that time and only minutes (!) after that, still shocked and sad, I got an invitation to…Surreal…from…Powdersnow.

Well let me make something clear. The “fight” between MB and Surreal is of course a silly one. First of all, a fight implies there are two parties that are more or less equal in strength. Hmmm that is not the case since MB, of course, is no match for Surreal. Furthermore, yes if I can help I will. After all I am a decent guy. But I will NOT join Surreal, no way.

I wrote “And as I understand, you are looking for good/representative players. Would love to help you out here.”. Meaning: I can help find new members for the Surreal clan. Not meaning: I will join Surreal myself.

So, about the helping out stuff, I think I will suggest a new member…I discovered a chap, lvl 23 and rp 1302, he has some disconnections but overall, I think he fits the new profile of the general Surreal member and he will be a good addition to the clan :).

Dear fellow MB-ers, we do not need to “fight”, help Surreal to new members and let’s help them to build their clan. If you see players around matching the new profile like I did, ring their door bell and inform them. Surreal was a grumpy old man grasping for what migh be the last bit of air. Seems the spirit has come back, but they are still grumpy. So present new members and hopefully the fun will come back to their clan as well. Let there be fun everywhere…:)


sipwell said...

It seems they already started to recruiting top users. They got lejte8, swen155, kij_1983.

In the words of AF9: "It seems they are not recruiting 'have beens' but 'never weres'. That is one way to get at the top I suppose. Who is that clan co-captain by the way? Does he ring a bell, anyone?

Gentle_Man_ said...

Played him once, well he is very eager to win and wants to score as much as he can, whenever he can.

So I let him and everyone was happy.

Of course, afterwards he asked me if we could be buddies so we can play more often..I guess he wants to get his win % up :P

Omar Zaman said...

Well gentle man

am really sorry to see ur message being deleted..I wud never have done that but I think bcuz of MB vs Sur. they deleted it..

I agree with gentle that we shudnt have fight..

The point is We are getting members back now we need to get members even if we know that they r not really fair or eager to win as u said.

whenver u start a new school,u have to take some kids which dont deserve or dont fulfill the requirements..

now in the end I will like to say that Sipwell started the fight first,why in the world he wrote about VK,which made VK so ashamed that he left the Clan!!.

think if we start insulting some of MBs member..then?wudnt u feel angry.

so after VK left,pow was angry and he decided that "officially anti-mb etc"

All goes on sip for starting this fight

VKUltras said...

Hheheheeh, bunch of idiots. What a big mess at this moment guys. Listnen, a fight between clans on a friendly way is not a problem. But bringing down players/users, is going to far.

What have you guys done with my good rep? I will kill you all.

Muahahahhahhha :P