
Lies, damned lies and … Surreal Updates.

(I am back to warfare business... after two days of absence... for those of you who thought the war is over... think again)

As always in times of warfare, the opposing parties will always try to throw with mud (or a brick in mud) to the other side. They will fabricate lies and damned lies to support their case. In World War I, the Germans were accused of raping all Belgian women and killing all Belgian babies with bajonets and butchers’ knifes; the French were notable for their man-eating endeavours and the British were noteworthy for their disgusting habit of drinking tea at most impossible hours. Every war has its lies, its fabrications and its wrong interpretations of actual facts, the war with Surreal is no different. The only difference is that we stay within the boundaries of reality. Granted, we can exaggerate a bit or rewrite some elements, but in essence: all what we write is true and supported by evidence…
Apparently the other side in this war is not interested in the truth that much, especially when it is not on their side. They want to make their story come across and the more exaggeration they can use, the more they will. They have made three preposterous claims in a varied formats:
1) Marx Brothers started the war.
2) Marx Brothers made Vkultras leave Surreal
3) Marx Brothers made the merger between TVST and Surreal collapse

Basically none of the claims made has any valid ground. They all are fabrications of the worst kind and they seem to be the only ones believing them.
We never started the war. I wrote an observation on this blog as I was quite surprised that I, as wispell, got invited to Surreal although I did not fulfil any of the necessary requirements. I was no legend (at least not on Wispell), I was no level 75 + and I was no owner of 1850 + RP. That made me wonder: how come I got an invitation? What is wrong with Surreal? As it turned out, there was a lot wrong. They didn’t live up to their own (high) expectations and they never became "a clan that LEADS, while others follow” nor “a clan consisting of skilled and experienced players , and our objective will be to become the top ranked clan” to quote their own page. So I wrote an assessment based on the information I saw: number of clan cups played, number of members added, number of guest book entries and content of those entries. A clan that leads, rather than be led? With users nobody heard of? Isn’t that claim absurd?
Apparently that critical assessment wasn’t well received in Dodo Clan and they attacked us by creating an anti-MB movement and calling themselves an anti-MB clan. Who started the war then? Did we challenge them to a war? Since when is it not allowed to write blog entries on other clans? In Dutch we have this expression (translated): they have long toes… which means that it is very easy to step on the soul of them. The question with Surreal is: aren’t they anything but toes?

Vkultras decided to leave Surreal himself (and accepted an invitation from TVST shortly after that). We never forced him too. He took the decision himself as he did not fulfil any of the requirements of Surreal. It takes a great man to acknowledge and to see that. In truth, he didn’t fulfil any of the requirements. You cannot blame us for pointing that out. He left, in our view, through the front gate but he got a portrayal as a 7 year old martyr on the Surreal Blog. He himself didn’t seem to be very happy about that move, as can be read as a reply on that article. As I have heard: he is more at ease, more happy with TVST. That is understandable: TVST is, to use the words of Surreal clan page again, “a clan with nice internal atmosphere so we all enjoy ourselves”. It is a clan with an identity, with people who can make fun and who know how to enjoy themselves.

The merger with TVST was, in our view, a very bad idea to be launched. As said earlier, TVST is a steamrolling clan with a high speed locomotive: merging or developing friendly relations with Surreal (what does that last bit mean essentially?) would slow the machine down and perhaps the internal strive would lead to a split in ranks. Luckily it never got that far as many TVST members opposed to the merger anyways. What role did Marx Brothers play in this story? None whatsoever. Clear thinking as TVST are, they made up their mind themselves. It is asinine of Surreal and Powdersnow to suggest that TVST are so ‘dumb’ that they would let themselves guide by what we, as a third party, think or say. Is that the basis of respect between the two clans? Implicitly calling the other ones “coward”, “without a mind of their own”, and “being led like sheep or chicken”: is that the ideal foundation of a friendship? I don’t think so.

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