
My Take On The MB vs Surreal

I would like to start my first blog by saying a thankyou to TVST. I know me leaving was a shock, and believe me my intentions were sincere. ATVST and TVST are a major reason as to why I love this game so much and I owe them everything, but I wanted a new start, and with MB I believe I can have that.

Anyway back to writing my first post. For the last week or so I have been watching the MB vs Surreal war kick off and from a neutral position it was great reading. (Well only 1 clan was really writing). Obviously now I am in MB it seems I have picked which side I am on. Reading the posts from Sipwell and the rest of the clan I can see this so called war going only to MB.

My reasons for this is simple. Evolution has dictated that to survive in this ever-changing world we need to be able to adapt,the so called "Survival of the fittest approach". The Dodo, ceased to exist as nature declared it unfit, so it died.Unlike the Dodo Surreal have come back into existence. There was a user called Rodry2 who declared in the forums that and i quote
"Surreal are not dead". A week or so later Rodry2 wrote a post in the forums called "I Quit". Which when you think about it it is rather funny after he spent all that time recruiting members to joint then he decides to quit. So it seems already Surreal are flaking away
like a piece of bad skin.

I say this to all followers of MB, Put on your hunting caps, pick your weapon of choice, groom your horses and fetch the hounds, because as of today it is officially Dodo hunting season. The best thing about this hunting season is that, because nature decided that a Dodo is not supposed to exist, the season never closes.



Aliy38 said...

Is that the nature that you want to be in, hunting down dodos?!

Yoram1000 said...

Woo hoo! Blade! You can do it! Post more blogs!

Swedeswede said...

I wonder how they went about hunting dodo's a while ago. I'm sure it was nothing like the awesome blogging you just used.