
Surreal: clan of mercenaries

The window of opportunity seems to have closed again. Dodo Clanwent uphill in assembling users but that has halted again, only four days after their announcement in the Clan forum of Powersoccer. Some of the people initially recruited, like leijte_8, already turned their back on Dodo Clan. We can understand that reaction: you don’t want to link your name to a dead-end project.
It is rather questionable that you go from 9 to 24 users in just three days… considering that other top clans, like the Colony of the Slippermen or TVST, build up their clan in a timespan of months. Dodo Clan seems to gamble on “easy cash” rather than building up a proper identity based group of people. I would like to see how many members do understand the core values of this clan. Powdersnow probably devoted a considerate amount of time to write the clan principles (on their blog), yet few clan members actually know what Dodo Clan stands for. Rodry2 was perhaps very active in selected in quantity, but the concept of quality, of knowing to whom you belong is something unheard of…

And still! Still! Yesterday Rodry2, former clan co-captain, challenged TVST to a clan cup. TVST, a house of people scoring high on sportsmanship, obviously accepted. It turned out that only 1 clan member of Surreal came to the actual game… the great sportsman Pperplex of whom we are still wondering what on earth he is doing in Dodo Clan. It sounds like a Suicide Mission the Japanese World War II kamikazes would consider being a bit extravagant... does it not?
How did it proceed? Dodo Clan hired two mercenaries, Khizarasd and bolivian_power, to participate in the cup. They joined and left again after the games. That is in our view a very dubious strategy, moreover since Surreal played a clan cup against the one man clan of bolivian_power and won.

What do we have then? A clan with no philosophy, of whom 85 % of the members have no clue who they are or what they do in Dodo Clan– apart from warming themselves to the hot upper-Dodo Powdersnow (in many respects) – and who use non-members to get some easy RP. Can't we come to the conclusion that Surreal is nothing more than a band of mercenaries, all there for their own reasons - perceived importance, as they are close to Powdersnow, ... - but none because they believe in the philosophical and communal underpinnings of Dodo Clan?
The claim I made in the first post, over a week ago, still stands: Dodo Clan was perhaps a clan with potential, but they never ever lived up to the standards they set themselves.

Our answer is simple: pull the plug and let the comatose patient die in peace. We will cherish our good recollections of Dodo Clan and supplant our bad ones… There is life after Dodo Clan and if it continues like this... we will be able to put this thesis to the test fairly soon.

1 comment:

Aliy38 said...

Mysterious things happen mate just strange things in the black market, and dirty cash got paid for to do their job and walk away! :P