
A Brief Ponderance

In these times of strife, war, and global "economic downturns", it often helps those who may feel lost or slighted by the world or fate to have a nice positive thought to help keep them focused on what they really need to do next in their life. What path to take when the road forks, and it appears that a left leads directly into Hell, and right is merely the "scenic bypass" to the same destination. I am one of those people who may find myself uncertain at times as to what should be my main priority, my next target for completion in my never-ending "to-do list."

When faced with time of trouble, many turn to music, many turn to wine, others just turn insane. Well my friends, I have solved the massive riddle that is this trying situation for manhy out there these days. Yes, when trouble hits, and prospects look bleak, and I am required to muster up the courage to make a decision (no matter how life altering), I remember to always live by the simple acronym WWSD. Yes, I know it will trouble many, and it severely troubles (and scares) me too, but surely the safest path will be followed when you consider...

What Would Sipwell Do?


sipwell said...

So I am evolving into a religious/mythical figure now? Me like! I will immediately start to write my Ten (or more) Commandments on a Marmara Marblestone (expenses to be paid by PS).

Airfix_9 said...

Simple. He'd spam!