
MB Moves into the "Great White North"

Well, so it happens that quality Marx Bretheren come from all places, I mean, we have Estonia, Wales, Ireland, Malta, and yes, we even have Belgium and England covered. But in our great search, we had been shunning one area (mainly due to our bad impressions left by ac--dc), we had ignored the great white expanse known as Canada (previously referred to in this blog as America's Hat). Well now, ladies and gentlemen, we have some hair to go under that cap, as we have added a noteworthy user (and CA) from Canada to the fold. Jimmykilcoo is the latest member on board the "crazy train" we all know as MB.

You may ask how does a Canadian get into soccer? Isn't that hockey country? Well, Jimmykilcoo is from Toronto, and, well, they have had some "troubles" with hockey of late. It seems that in one game, their goaltender was able to stop only one shot, and in a later game was unable to stop anything the opponents threw at him.

This frustrated Jimmy, and led to him getting his own custom-made leafs jersey (and even contemplating a change in allegiance to the Flyers with a new cap), but after realizing that Philly was the source of the blight known as Eric Lindros, he reconsidered the Flyers thing. Later, after seeing one famously dedicated Leafs fan waiting on his lawn for the Stanley Cup to come to Toronto, he decided maybe it was a change in sport, rather than team, that was in order.

This turned out to be not so much better, given the harsh Canadian weather, also, the team couldn't even muster a win against Estonia, which should have been easy. (yes Leedo I know that the game was actually played in Estonia....)

We down here in America (the brains under the hat so to speak) would be very concerned having another very large country at our borders, but fortunately, we have seen these images before....

They assuage our fears everytime....

Finally, we leave you with the pride of Canada (or at least Toronto). The landmark that dominates the skyline. It is visible from miles away in any weather conditions. It causes Canadians to swell with pride (I think that's it anyway). Makes them puff up their chest, to stand tall. The biggest landmark in all of the Ontario province...the CN Tower.

Welcome to the wittiest bunch in PS. Do study the clan history, there will be a quiz by Prof. Sipwell later (probably written by Henry, since that seems to be his strength). If you need a summary, ask Swedeswede, he seems to have that down pretty well. But only ask NYC if you want the drawn out, looooooong version. (I think I have belittled all of our RAs now.... :P).

Have fun!


Gentle_Man_ said...

Muahaha great post Mr D. How can we get you to post more because that's want we want: MORE MORE MORE!!!

Oh and welcome in jimmy. Do Canada (and MB) pride!

will said...

the bits about my maple loafs would have hit a nerve if my hockey-nerves hadn't atrophied years ago. now i look at the NHL with mild curiosity, the way one would in vaguely recognizing an ex-girlfriend passing on the street years later. "do i know her? hmmmm. meh, guess not."

Airfix_9 said...

Welcome to the fold jimmy. You earn your stripes immediately by being the first Power Soccer blogger of ANY clan to use the word "atrophied".

I really don't know why it took us so long to get a Canadian on board. It probably has something to do with having to dig under enough snow to actually find one. But how can you not love a country whose national word is "eh?"

BigDaddyAt said...

Maybe it was fear and dismay after our last Canadian endeavor, and then further scared away by the likes of ac--dc...