
Surreal: the Story of the Drama Queen

We have to agree that Surreal likes words ending on “o” and come with twice the same letters after one another. Not only are they dodo, they also behave like a yoyo. A couple of weeks ago they were what reasonable people would call “growing in numbers” - I personally stick to filling an empty store with empty boxes – and were playing a reasonable number of Clan Cups (winning from nobody clans with ridiculous quantities of RP). They had brought together a bunch of respectable people, out of which the Dutch Shadow pperplex probably was the most illustrious. At least he stood for something and he reacted to our numerous blog posts and the like. That is, as far as I can say, the only reaction I have seen from Dodo.
But now, again, they start to lose members. People flock out in search for better havens (which in case of Surreal isn’t hard as the clan is rock bottom already so every change is an improvement) and more ambiance. There is no fun in a dead clan. Some of us already understood that quite early on, others – apparently – wanted to test this thesis personally. And with great success, so it seems. And then we are back where we started, aren’t we? Dodo as a yoyo.
They started of with many people, fell asleep. They were woken up by our ‘cry’, collected many people (under the auspices of ‘what’s-his-name’), fell asleep. They brought together a new band of people who wanted to have nothing in common (pperplex was Chief of Staff) and fell asleep. How many times will this story repeat itself? How many times do we have to witness the near-spastic hyperactivity and the “Sleeping Beauty” behaviour (Beauty is a huge exaggeration but I needed that metaphor) that followed ensued?
I like a bit of drama once in a while, as long as it stops on its peak. We have reached it.

PS. As Surreal likes the repetitive letters a lot, why don't we call Powdersnow PoPo or PowPow from now on? hmmm?

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