
The Summer of Celebrations

The Summer of 2009 will be Marx Brothers’ party summer. There are a lot of events coming in the next couple of weeks that will bring champagne (or orange juice), loud music and silly dances.
What will happen over in the summer:
1) Bigdaddyat will finally reach level 99. It has taken him a hell of a long time as he – in through Marx Brothers’ spirit – focused on losing;
2) Mfsoccer94 will be 2 years in the game. We are throwing a party just to celebrate our endurance: we kept up 2 years with this guy already! Praise the Lord.
3) Shaolinda will get to level 4. It is a promise she made and she will have to keep it.
4) Frogodo will be an ex-crew member. We already see he is infected with a serious Powdersnow disease in which he alternates complete gobbledygook with unimpressive roaring.
5) Adeidos will get his first “grown up” tooth;
6) Airfix_9 will be 2 years in the game and will have enjoyed us for two years with his witty remarks and absolutely lousy gameplay;
7) soccerduke27 will win his first game on a real football pitch;
8) swedeswede will score his first goal. It will be an own goal but that doesn’t matter;
9) Gentle_man_ will get to level 99;
10) Bladesman1 will get to level 99 too;

11) The most brilliant of them all, Sipwell, will be two years in the game to enjoy you with laughter, wisdom and overall generosity.


mfsoccer94 said...

I get to 2 years first. Muhahahahaahaha!

0tomek0 said...

Hey, I'm getting 2 years as well!

will said...

i got to lvl 99 too early.