
Bigdaddyat Joins a Magical Club...

In great numbers we showed up for the 99er game of Bigdaddyat. He had promised us some months back he would get there soon. In fact, I even recall a discuss in which he said he wanted to be level 99 on the day he was 1 year in the game, a bit like me and (almost) Airfix_9 did. That should have been… February Second then!

But let’s not dwell on the past too much. He finally got there. Although we must say, that with his type of play, we are surprised he ever did. You have some people in this game that cannot stop losing, even if they play a level 4 with their level 97 account. Bigdaddyat belonged in that category. Some laddies over at Marx Brothers compiled over the last couple of months the best (and only) scoring opportunities Bigdaddyat had:

Yes dear readers, he had to count on pity of his opponent and hence only played level 99 Marx Brothers who accidentally kicked in a “winning” own goal in the last minute and who made a sport out of it to hit the post as much as possible. In fact, there is a secret “top list” of people hitting the post in a game versus Bigdaddyat. Mfsoccer94 has the honour of being on top, with 15 post hits for a 1-0 loss (throwing a ball to the keeper, who “accidentally” missteps: like you can see here)

But how come he ever got there then? Well, Bigdaddyat discovered a trick. He discovered a new and until now secret bug which he started to use in his advantage. He may be lousy at the game itself, but surely he is an inquisitive mind. Days and nights he was perfecting his special move. His wife called him to bed but instead… he gave her a gamepad to help him test it. His oldest son was given a pencil to draw (unsuccessfully) the exact situation. He hired truck drivers, construction workers and other (for this matter completely useless) handymen to get where he wanted.

Alas, it didn’t work out as planned:

Wait a minute… Wait a minute… Let’s watch that video again!

It did! A penalty was awarded for somebody who stood at least 2 metres (yes metres) off the player! My God Bigdaddyat! You surely deserve your level 99. It isn’t for you brilliant game play but for your endurance.

1 comment:

BigDaddyAt said...

Yes! A sure sign that the blog is indeed dead! A 99er post up for alost 2 weeks...thanks for all the congratulations mates! :P