
Snow Joke

After the big freeze that was suddenly thrust upon us with only the previous year being just as cold and white, Britain was once again hit by what can only be described as Snow. Thats right we had snow and the whole country decided that it was time for a panic. So now it is all over I would like to show you 1 or 2 pictures that I found when I was browsing on google.

In this first picture you have a brilliant sight, which is the London Eye with the motto "If you want to
be taken for a ride by British Airways , ride this"
As you can see that it is a lovely sight with the London Eye being lit up and reflected off of the snow magnificently

My second image is, well the best way I can describe this is a fantastic way to spend our tax payers money.

Thats right, Police sledging on riot shields. Personally I thought this was fantastic and if I was there, I would most certainly be joining in the fun, maybe laying out a course using police tape and marking a finish line with pepper spray.

Now my third and final image is so funny and I swear this is not photoshopped at all. I will describe this as, a result of inbreeding. (So don't marry your sister)
Two people who thought it would be funny to go driving down a frozen canal. Evidently not. But hey we have to make the best of the weather. :)

So what have we learned from this weather we have had?

1) London looks pretty in lights and snow.
2) Police like to have fun just like us all.
3) Canals are made for barges, ducks and fish not, I repeat not cars!!

Well that's it for my "After the weather has hit us" report. (I find doing them sometime after to be more accurate)

The next one of my "After the weather has hit us" report: The great floods of the Irish Sea :D

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