
State of the Clan

I've been made leader in the midst of domestic and interclan threats. These are more real then ever (haha not) and I hope to do my best to address these crucial issues.

"The initial step to decipher how best to clean your carpet or rugs is to find out what type it actually is. Is yours made of wool, plant fibers, silk or synthetics? Each one is cleaned differently with different detergents and products. An example of this is that wool can never be cleaned with any heated products or machines, and no bleach can ever be applied. You need to be aware of this if your carpet is wool, otherwise you may cause irreparable damage when trying to clean it.

Next, you must decide which cleaning product has the best capabilities for your type of carpet and carpet cleaning needs. You aren't just trying to rinse it with water then dry it again, and you need product to break down dirt and dust, draw out deep down build up and kill germs and bacteria, all while maintaining the original beauty of the pile.

Knowing what type of carpet you have may end up saving you money by allowing you to clean it yourself, without having to hire a professional. You've invested in your carpet, it might be an idea to invest in a carpet cleaning machine- but which one? Steam cleaner or dry cleaning? So many choices. Fortunately, we aim to make the decisions a little easier for your unique situation."

Now that does who were my opposition who tried to bore us to sleep have fallen asleep themselves, I shall address what was previously stated.

The biggest thread to our safety is myself. It could be a click, a word, or a movement in the wrong direction and things can go spiraling down, down, down. Fortunately, I've already done that somewhere else.

Outside of the clan the biggest thread comes from our dearest friend, minikicker. His methods of persuasion are almost enough to break me. Otherwise it seems some have set their eyes on members inside of us. NO! We must remain the hypocrite we've always been and stop this at all costs (despite the origin of the majority of our members). If we passively stayed still, why, all would be for naught.

Last but not least this message is meant as a Hi!

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