
Bigoted? Us? Pfffffffff!

It has been mentioned recently that we may be a little guilty of being narrow-minded and, well, we've even been accused of racism. Now, I struggle to see what all of the fuss is about but then I am just a mere woman without the proper levels of intellect to understand the ramifications of the impact that our actions have on others perhaps less fortunate than ourselves.

Frankly, that was such a long sentence, I may have to lie down now or do some knitting or something.

It would appear that the problems stem from our desire to pick at people and make fun of them and, whilst I accept that having your leg pulled can cause feelings best described as "uncomfortable", it is who we are and we are unlikely to change. I do think that our more discerning audience members demand a bit more fun on this blog, not less, and who am I to fly in the face of this desire? Not me, I am but a humble vessel.

So, I've been having a bit of fun with Photoshop. The idea is to show you how we can treat an image that we just happen to stumble over on our travels through the wild and wacky web when "fun" is the order of the day. So, let's pick a photograph of a human being at random. Let's pick this one:~

There is a picture that is crying out for some fun... two random guys at a bar (which seems to sell tomato sauce in jars, by the look of it). We could turn one of our subjects into an Afghan:~

That's OK, I guess but how about making him completely black?

Fun, eh?

How about going the other way, and making him more white?

Or even dressing him up in a silly costume...

Or a (frankly) quite stupid one...

We could even make him religious:~

Or give him what he is desperately crying out for!

Now, I don't profess to be great at Photoshop but one thing is for certain, my brothers, sisters and I will continue to bring you our own brand of fun for a while yet. And, if you don't like it.... well, see that X symbol up to the right of this page? Click it!

We are not bigoted. We poke fun at people. Sometimes with spoons. We won't change and no-one is safe. Want some final proof? Sure, no problem!


BigDaddyAt said...

Let's put our new Ebay purchase on this guy...

Drogba921 said...

Wow, Aren't you guys cool?

BigDaddyAt said...

Lol, you always seem to think so...

Leedo said...