
The End of an Era

Indeed, somethings in our lives are pure whimsy, others require painstaking devotion. One of these things that requires a great commitment, is the growth and maintenance of a truly good-looking beard. It is such a time consuming activity, that it can truly be classified as it's own era, if done properly. Our dear friend Michaelblake had that (yes, you read that correctly friends, had). I regret to be the one to inform you all here, today, that the beard is indeed dead...a moment of silence please.

Michaelblake came to the only possible conclusion over the last few days, that he was unable to make another similarly large commitment, the one that it would take to become a Marx Brother, and, realizing that resistance was futile, he determined the best course of action was to remove the one thing he thought we wanted, yes, the beard. Indeed, after an intense struggle, and several scissor re-sharpenings, at 8:23pm Central time, the beard was indeed pronounced trimmed. Friends and family gathered to wax nostalgic about the time they had each spent with the beard, as well as tell a few touching stories of their fondest memories in its presence.

Michaelblake's MAs recalled the time he mistakenly banned the wrong user, because the beard clicked the mouse button at an unfortunate moment. Others recalled the times the beard would dial them in the middle of the night, while Michaelblake was sleeping. Plnxty and his fellow Ireland clan mates shared a tory of how the beard accidentally dunked itself in Michaelblake's pint of Guinness during one of their Ireland clan gatherings (who could blame it afterall?, Guinness is good!). The somber gathering ended with a haunting tune, amidst the dead silence of those gathered.

So, it is with great saddness that Marx Brothers has ended our quest to bring the beard here at all costs. To that end, we still love Michaelblake and the beard, but in separate but different ways. Surely we can all understand Mr. Blake's predicament, as we have all wrestled with our destiny to join MB prior to being brought home, just few of us have gone to such drastic measures. We still welcome Michael home if and when he realizes his destiny is out of his own hands.

On a brighter note, we have procured the famed beard itself for inclusion in the Museum of Marx, atop the Mount (cost $1,427.36 USD, via Ebay) and offer all one final chance to pay their last respects.


1 comment:

Leedo said...

This is so.. sniff.. sniff.. :(