
Surreal Still not Ready to Acknowledge Hogweed His outstanding Qualities

Despite all our efforts to give Hogweed the respect he deserves and to push Surreal to do the same, nothing much has happened so far. Surreal keeps on ignoring our demand to a) set Hogweed free or b) at the minimum give him a proper introduction. What have we seen on the Surreal pages? Nothing! Literally. The website hasn’t been updated for days in a row now… What has happened to this clan? Will it fall into the obscurity of what was once great potential yet never came to full strength as quickly as it came into existence? Has Powdersnow all of a sudden lost the ability to write English or even, if necessary, Swedish? Was he confronted with a sudden attack of dyslexia, which keeps him in bed and out of the game – no laptop – for days in a row? Did Powdersnow lose his password to his account on wordpress?

Perhaps all of them are true. Who will tell? Rumour has it Powdersnow is preparing a big putsch on some of the real RP-fat players out there. He wants to lure them to Surreal with candy. We don’t hold a grudge against Surreal so we wish him all the success he needs in that respect. Yet there is one thing we ask, even beg for. One simple yet fundamental question: respect Hogweed for what he is and what he will be.

The Hogweed Fan Club last weekend developed a new and sensational idea: the Slippermen, Hogweed his personal elite corps made up of people who respect, like, support or even adore Hogweed. Candidacies for this organization have been flocking in. Hogweed is truly loved by the community of Powersoccer. Yet did Surreal or any of his members make a move in membership direction? Nope. Did Surreal link the Hogweed Fan Page on its blog like a lot of other clans have done? Nope. Instead they state in the forum and elsewhere that “Hogweed” is theirs and theirs “to stay”. Kind of odd to speak of such a great individual, is it not?

Dear Surreal members, the light can shine on you too! Just open the curtains and behold: Hogweed His Beam can light you too!

1 comment:

Airfix_9 said...

Now it seems that we are changing our demands... set him free or give him a proper introduction? NAY, I say thricely. NAY NAY NAY!

Setting Hogweed free is the only acceptable term of surrender that we should chase. Let us not be diverted in this righteous fight!