
Activity on the Surreal Website

The Surreal clan surely honours its name. It is... a bit Surreal. You start a new clan, make a lot of fuss about it, attack other clans and force people to join and then...

Screenshot taken 26th of September

Screenshot taken 28th of September

Screenshot taken 30th of September

Screenshot taken 2d of October

... nothing happens. Literally nothing. No changes on any of the pages whatsoever.

You have to give them one thing: they are extremely succesful in boring us to death.
We at Marx Brothers tend to believe that they need all men to keep Hogweed under control. He is constantly trying to escape and they are basically all sitting on him to make it impossible for him to flee. But you can be sure that, with a lot of spinach, Hogweed shall throw them off and walk out of prison, a romantized version of how Nelson Mandela did it!


Airfix_9 said...

Now THAT was a class post! There are people here at the office wondering why I have just fallen off my chair in fits of giggles...

soroe said...

I suspect the entire clan is busy brainwashing poor Hogweed, so obviously, they can't update the bolg too. Multitasking isn't one the requirement for that clan. ;P

soroe said...

Ooops I mean *blog

BigDaddyAt said...

Hehe, nothing new...everytime we get into a blog war, our opponent just crumbles under the immense volume of posts we bring to decimate them. Obviously our membership has a stronger bond to come together in these times when needed.