
Secret Message from Crew

Some of you more faithful readers on this blog might remember a post in the forum that established that crew members are tucked away on a cold and rainy island in the Swedish waters, forced to live in a small village and paid in either reindeers, vegetables or commodities as to force them to interact on daily basis with each other. Rumour has it that Powdersnow, who was paid in reindeers, stopped changing parts of the reindeer for vegetables and commodities. He is now on a strict diet of reindeer (which he, in absence of forks and knifes), pulls off with his teeth directly. That might explain his “Call me God” behaviour (People who do not believe me, please read a) Lord of the Flies, b) Heart of Darkness to have proof that eating only meat makes you hallucinate). Anyways…

In an older post we mentioned that the Marx Brothers started a safe haven for crew members in distress. Powdersnow sent out his bulldogs in order to scare us away (successfully, as we are non violent people towards all living creatures, which made us run). Some people in crew are however very cunning and are able to slip notes into the waist bins and to post, secretly, messages on the internet. They also send coded messages through the Powersoccer Development Blog, messages that – cunning as some of these Swedes, especially the female ones – are so cunning that only the most talented and brilliant mathematicians working for the Marx Brothers can decode. Just like in Bletchly Park during World War II , we have established our own Decoding Office to work on that and put our Mathematical Mastermind Airfix_9 in charge of it.

Today one of the more cunning and more active members of crew (in fact the leader of the Resistance but keep that silent; she is also a Sergeant-Major in the Slippermen), Shaolinda (pictured left), wrote the following message on the Powersoccer Development Blog: “Tired of that Fred Perry shirt your mum makes you wear? Bored with that knitted itchy thing you got for Christmas? Dreaming of being able to not just PLAY Power Soccer, but WEAR it too? Well it’s your lucky day. Show your support, make a statement - get a t-shirt! Power Challenge t-shirts! Spread the word…”

It took our team one half of a day to decode the message but the simplicity of it probably surprised Powdersnow and his rough gang too. She sneaked the message into the (great) T-shirts that Powersoccer is planning to put on the market.

We have understood that message right and clear, zealous and energetic crew members. We are stepping up our Free Hogweed Campaign!!!!

PS. Have a good look at the T-shirts. They are great (apart from one).

for HLA and HFC,


1 comment:

soroe said...

Very nice T-shirts. You can't get a "Support Powdersnow" in the female edition. I guess that means no girls support him. ;)