
If you can't beat them, join them!

It seems that some of the Imperium cla
n members are highly unhappy about what is happening at Imperium. O, you might wonder: what is happening at Imperium? Well, nothing at all. And that precisely is the problem. Clans is more about having a label on your team badge and exclaim everywhere you are the best, it is first and foremost a band of brothers who 
have a common platform and a place to talk about that… Imperium has, apart from the Chicken Dance, none of these. A label, a victory now and then but above all: emptiness… endless emptiness. Nothing to do, nothing to be ha
ppy about, nothing of the kind.What can you do in such a situation? Bearsfan is showing a very useful method, which will be analyzed in detail.

First, he challenges Leedomargus to a game. He overstates his powers (ordered by his clan brothers), thinks he is going to win handsomely
Second and third, he identifies his problem and notes that he isn’t actually as good he thinks he is.

He did rightly lose from Leedomargus. He just

 was not good enough to beat our “totally unskilled” clan brother Leedo. He was too bad (Leedo was not too good!). He starts to think. What can I do?

Enter the brilliant method: present yourself to Leedo as Sipwell and write out loud: “I am MB” ten times. You pick up this mantra. While you ar

e not an MB, you talk as if you are one. You change your name to Sipwell, in order to become even closer to your goal. Like all those youngsters who dream they are Ronaldinho or Cristiano Ronaldo.

You then post a message in the forum saying that Leedo wants to steal Imperium clan members. He obviously thought of himself, as he wants to be stolen so badly. It is like a princess who wants to be abducted. She will not resist too hard, she will not shout too loud.

What has he done? He has openly but invertedly applied for a position at the Marx Brothers: “I want to be a Marx Brother. I want to be a Marx Brother. I want to be a Marx Brother.” Meant as a joke, but basically just a plain truth. In the old days, the jester used to be the person breaking bad news to the king. He told a joke about it and the king laughed and understood what was going on.

Imperium is boring. It does not live. Marx Brothers is a success story: active, fun-making, playing games for amusement and not for ranking points. No pressure, just good times. And Bearsfan is playing the jester to his clan and our clan. Telling jokes, including other clan members and now he is waiting to see what is happening He must have thought: if you can't beat them, join them... Question is: Will the fish bite?


Leedo said...

Its a sad story of life in Imperium..

BigDaddyAt said...

"Life"? That is no kind of life. Sounds more like a slow painful death to me....

Adeidos said...

Hahahahahahahahahahaha !!!