
Soccer Crazy?

Some have alleged (irresponsibly might I add) that we here on Mt. Marx are a tad bit soccer (a.k.a. football) crazy. These baseless allegations couldn't be further from the truth, as you can see for yourself on a brief tour.

We have installed all new urinals for the guys, throughout the complex. We merely want to pamper our members, and make the inevitable a bit more fun. Soccer crazy? I think not!

(As a side note, check out the pic below of airfix trying to hold it while he awaits his turn at the new john)

In fact, the newly installed facilities are so popular, there is often a wait to get in. Airfix is not the only mate who has had an issue with this. As you can see at left, SwedeSwede could wait no longer, so he went right in the grass...

Next we can see clearly, our traditional parade through the streets. Sipwell can be seen here on his own personally made "bike". Note the wheels...

Soccer crazy, perhaps a little...

In an effort to have even more fun as a brotherhood, we have had a field constructed on Mt. Marx, so that we can feed our addicti....errr....get some exercise. Check it out, this field is truly nice... We all want to defend the left end.

So, ok, maybe we are just a wee bit soccer crazy...maybe we are just a wee bit crazy, period. At any rate, do not get in our way, or we will crush you!

Let's just wrap this up with a thanks for all of you who visit us here from time to time. To celebrate (PowerSoccer style), from 8:00:00GMT to 23:00:00MARS, we will be giving free Twiglets! Yes, even non-members will be able to enjoy the Twiglets! So, let there be peace on Earth (and Mars), with liberty and Twiglets for all...



bestdragon12 said...

Hehe! Great blog BigD ;)
Does AF9 know about the twiglets :P??

BigDaddyAt said...

Nah, I'm just giving them away for him....