
The Revival is Upon Us...or Else!

Indeed I have come to notice that, through as much my own lack of initiative recently (as well as that of the rest of our great brotherhood), that it indeed appears that we are dead. The wittiest of the not-so-witty have apparently packed up shop and fled Mt. Marx for a life in the countryside of the less than mediocre. It once was so that alot of users wanted to be Marx's, and we continually got applications/request/etc. We had readers aplenty for this great blog (the only place where our mediocrity turned to greatness). We asked who we wanted for brothers, and rarely, if ever, were told "no thanks". When others asked us to join their clans, our reply was simply, "no thanks, I am in MB", which invariably led to a dejected, "oh, alright" from them. Today, when i get asked, and give the same reply, the response is typically either, "MB is still around?", or "who is MB?". This will not stand!

This led me to the realization that, this is not who we are. We are the Marx Brothers! We are the creative, witty, strange, comical chaps who once were more widely read that PS Extra (of course that site has always been run by Marxian MAs, but who am I to argue...oh wait, I AM the guy who argues...

Anyhow, we need to look inside ourselves and find our greater strength, the strength to rise up once again and take our rightful place atop the giant scrap pile of mediocrity that surrounds us. It is time to trim back the overgrowth that covers Mt. Marx, and restore it to all its prior mediocre-ness. I know deep in my heart that we can do this, afterall, it's not like we spend our time playing matches or anything (and all of our admin duties are no excuse that we can't each come up with a decent blog post once every week or so).

I for one stand ready to drive this once mediocre clan back to where we once were (wherever that was...), so we can once again be proud to proclaim:

Two days ago I announced a bold new initiative, and a distinct change in the course of our history. In 2 full days, that post has not one comment, not one message has been sent to me about it, in fact, I'm not sure one of you has even read it... We must gather together in this dire time...who's with me?

1 comment:

Adeidos said...

MB is my home, I will never leave this clan or join any other, proud to be a Marx Brothers, proud to be the PS's clan joke!